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International Seminar in Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics (ISIEAM’2018)​

October 23-24, Skikda, Algeria 

                                                                              CALL FOR COMMUNICATIONS


       The International Seminar in Industrial Engineering and Applied Mathematics [ISIEAM’2018] will be held on October 23-24, 2018 in Skikda, Algeria. The aim of ISIEAM’2018 is to provide a platform for researchers, engineers, academicians as well as industrial professionals from all over the world in related fields.  


                                                           Welcome to ISIEAM’2018!


On behalf of the organizing committee, we'd like to send our Honest invitation to all  researchers, engineers, and students to the areas of  maintenance in mining electromechanics, safety of industrial equipment and energetics.


                                                           Welcome to Skikda, Algeria!


The city of Skikda (Philippeville or Russicade) is a beautiful coastal town to visit.



 Topic 1 : Maintenance and Safety of Industrial Processes.


 Topic 2 : Modeling and Simulation of Industrial and Energy Systems.


 Topic 3 : Materials & Geosciences.


 Topic 4 :  Energetics.

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